If you’re receiving this newsletter, then you previously signed up to J. A. Duncan’s Goblin Newsletter. If you’re good with this, welcome back! You’re already subscribed and can sit back to enjoy my sporadic posting about news and goblin merch.
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New Digs
Hello, miscreants!
It’s been quite a while since I’ve sent out an update. I’ve been scurrying around behind the scenes (usually in the dead of night), piecing together an online house for all my goblin shinies while also creating tangible loot (more on that in future posts!).
For now, I will leave you with the exciting update that I finally have a website! That’s right, folks, you can now find all of my shenaniganry in one place: writing, editing services, and every unhinged creative project I take on.
That’s all for now! If you’d like to stay on board the newsletter, you can expect non-spammy updates as I navigate my various works, announcements and deals on goblin merch, and monthly round-ups of my free content.
Until next time!
Some housekeeping
If you can’t find the newsletter, check your spam folder. Please mark this address as “not spam.” If the newsletter isn’t in your spam folder, look in the Promotions tab.
If you think you missed something or want to look back on old content, you can find everything in the Goblin Archives on my Substack page.
Thanks for joining, and tell your friends where to find my realm! They too might like to get lost in the wood.